Seeing Sound is an informal practice-led symposium exploring multimedia work which foregrounds the relationship between sound and image. It explores areas such as visual music, abstract cinema, experimental animation, audiovisual performance and installation practice through paper sessions, screenings, performances and installations. Our most recent event was in 2020, but we are developing plans for the future – watch this space!


Full information on our 7 events – in 20092011, 2013201420162018, and 2020 – is maintained here. For events since 2016, you will find video documentation of papers etc. on these pages – nearly 100 hours of material.

Image Credits: Left – Bath Spa University music students performing with the University’s Media Wall. Banner image – from Continuum. Tarik Barri and Paul Jebanasam.

Steering Group / Programming Committee:
Ben Ramsay
Andrew Hill
Paul Jebanasam
Mick Grierson
Jean Piché
Myriam Boucher
Ricardo Dal Farra
Maura McDonnell
Max Hattler
Margaret Schedel
Andy Keep
Diego Garro
Bret Battey
Tim Howle